
Showing posts from November, 2022

Create a VM and configure security groups with defined Inbound and Outbound rules like letting traffic through HTTP, ICMP, TCP,SSL(TLS).

  Create a VM and configure security groups with defined Inbound and Outbound rules like letting traffic through HTTP, ICMP, TCP,SSL(TLS). Steps:- 1. Go to AWS console and create a new EC2 instance. 2. Create a new security group. 3. Create an inbound rule on TCP on my IP. 4. Create an inbound rule on ICMP on source my IP. 5. Similarly set rules for HTTP and SSH. 6. set the outbound traffic for http, ssh and icmp.      10. create the security group. 11. use the same security group in the network settings and launch the instance.

Setting up Replication in S3 Bucket

 Setting up Replication in S3 Bucket Steps:- 1. Go to aws console for S3 bucket and select the bucket you want to replicate. 2. go to management tab and click on create replication rule. 3. Give name to replication rule 4. Apply rule to all objects in this bucket. 5. Create a new IAM role. 6. Choose another bucket replicate to. 7. Click on save 8. Enable versioning for this bucket. 9. Set job settings. Uncheck completion report. 10. The replication job was completed. 11. Replication rule was successfully set on bucket.

Setup DynamoDB and perform CRUD

 Setup DynamoDB and perform CRUD operations Steps:-  1. Search for DynamoDB on AWS console 2.      Give appropriate name and primary key for your table. 3. Then create table 4. Create a new item  7. Give appropriate values to the fields in table. 8. Succefully inserted.

Setup RDS MySQL server that is accessible over the internet

 Setup RDS MySQL server that is accessible over the internet Steps:- 1. Search for RDS service in AWS console. 2. Create a database 3. Give appropriate name and password. 4. Make your Database publicly accessible. 5. Finally create database. 6. RDS successfully created.      7. Now let's connect to the RDS using AWS CLI. First generate the authentication token with following command                             aws rds generate-db-auth-token \                                                                                        --hostname \                     --...

Storage Virtualization

 Storage Virtualization Storage virtualization basically combines/pools the storage that is available in various devices and keeps it as single storage.  Types of Storage Virtualization 1. Block Virtualization In block virtualization, we basically separate our logical storage from that of the physical so that the user/administrator can access without having to access the physical storage, basically doing this way helps the administrator in giving a lot of flexibility in managing different storage. 2. File Virtualization In File virtualization, it basically removes the dependencies caused in accessing the data at file level to that of the location where they are actually present. This basically helps in overcoming the challenges faced with network-attached storage and they also help in optimizing the storage usage and also help us to do some file migrations in a non-disruptive way. Let's create a virtual hard drive and use to share data among multiple VMs Steps:- 1. Let's creat...

Hosting Web application using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

 Hosting Web application using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Steps: 1. Search for elastic beanstalk in AWS console. 2. Give name to your application. 3. Select node js as platform, then create application. 4. Application creation under progress 5. Successfully deployed 6. Open the link

Installing and attaching MYSQL database to EC2 instance

 Installing and attaching MYSQL database to EC2 instance Steps: 1. Make sure you have one EC2 instance running that you can access it from your terminal. 2. Switch to root mode and move to root directory      sudo su cd / 3. Update existing packages.     sudo apt-get update 4. Now install mysql server. sudo apt-get install mysql-server 5. Now run command for secure installation. sudo mysql_secure_installation  6. Give appropriate password 7. If password is not accepted you can access mysql as sudo then alter the user password 8. Now we can interact with databases.